8 Graphics
The ASCII Emulation is capable of standard Odd/Even Dot Plotting for normal
and high density graphics as well as Bit Image graphics with single density,
double density, and quad density modes. Odd/Even dot plotting is available
for graphics when the selected protocol is P-Series or P-Series XQ; Bit Image
graphics is used when the selected protocol is Serial Matrix, Proprinter XL, or
Epson FX. Printing text and characters is the default mode of operation.
Consequently, each line of graphics data must include a graphics control
code to enable the emulation for the desired graphics mode of operation.
NOTE: Depending on the target machine dot size, the plot dot size is
adjusted automatically so that one plot dot has a horizontal and
vertical diameter of 1/60 inch. You may also use the “Horizontal DPI”
and “Vertical DPI” menus chosen via the control panel to select target
machine dots.