2.2 Contacts List
Frequently called numbers can be saved in the Contacts list for easy access when
phoning or sending an SMS. Save the Contacts list to the handset, the communication
unit or the SIM card. The Handset can store 50 contacts. To commonly use a contact
with multiple handsets, save it to the contact list in the communication unit or SIM card.
See section 5.5.1.
2.2.1 How to add a new contact
1. At the idle screen, press the key to open Contacts.
2. Press the key to open the submenu.
3. With [New] selected, press the Enter key, or press 1 to add a new entry.
4. With the [Name] field selected press the Enter key.
5. Enter name of party and press the Enter key. You can use a maximum of 50 char-
acters. For how to enter data, see section 1.5.2.
6. Press T to select the [No.] field then press the Enter key.
7. Enter the telephone number of the party then press the Enter key. A maximum of
20 characters can be used. The available characters are numerics, #, *, and +.
Items appear in grey when
nothing is stored on
handset, comm. unit or SIM.
Required input
Required input