Routing information settings
Click [Settings] in the menu bar, [Network settings], [LAN] and [Routing] in the sub-
menu. The following screen appears.
Add button Register information entered. Return to DHCP lease
information screen.
Save button Save information entered. Return to DHCP lease in-
formation screen.
Cancel button Return to DHCP lease information screen.
Item Description
Delete button Delete item having a checkmark [9]. Items which the [Status]
is [Dynamic] cannot be deleted.
Add routing button Enter new routing information. (A maximum of 20 can be reg-
istered.) The screen for entry of routing information appears.
Refresh button Update information.
DST. address Display destination address.
Subnet mask Display subnet mask.
Gateway Display gateway.
Metric Display metric information.
Status Display status information. Static, Dynamic.
Edit button Shown when [Status] is [Static]. Change routing information.
The information screen for change routing appears.
Item Description
No. of entries made/
No. of entries possible