Voicemail Pro Page 99
15-601063 Issue 20l (03 March 2009)IP Office
Configuring Voicemail Pro: IP Office Configuration
3.1.3 Configuring Voicemail for Individual Users
Voicemail can be configured for each individual user in IP Office Manager.
To change voicemail configuration for an individual:
1.Open IP Office Manager.
2.In the Navigation pane, click User and select the individual user.
3.View the Voicemail tab.
4.(Optional) Enter a voicemail code between 1-15 digits in the Voicemail Code field. This is required when users
retrieve voicemail messages remotely, for example from another user's extension or from an external telephone.
· The Voicemail Code must be retyped in the Confirm Voicemail Code field to ensure it has been correctly entered.
5.(Optional) Voicemail can be turned off by unchecking the Voicemail On option. When on, the mailbox is used to
answer the user's unanswered or busy calls.
6.(Optional) When a user collects their messages they can hear an additional prompt if the Voicemail Help option is
checked. The prompt is 'For help at any time press 8'.
· If Voicemail Help is not selected, users can still press 8 at any time and hear the list of Voicemail features. This
setting turns on/off the audible help message. It does not disable the actual feature.
7.(Optional) When a new message is received, the voicemail server can call the user's extension whenever the extension
returns from off-hook to on-hook. The voicemail server will not ring the extension more than once every 30 seconds.
Check the Voicemail Ringback option to enable this feature.
8.(Optional) Voicemail email can be configured for an individual user. When a new message is received, the WAV file
created can be sent to an email account either by user selection or according to the set Voicemail Email Mode. The
sending of .wav files across a network creates a high loading on the network and networks servers. A one-minute
message requires a 1MB .wav file. The option Voicemail Email Reading is unavailable in Voicemail Lite.
· Voicemail Email - Enter the email address of the user.
· Select the Voicemail Email Mode from:
· Off: Voicemail messages or notifications are not automatically sent.
· Copy: A copy of the message is sent to the email account.
· Forward: Voicemail messages are sent to the email account and deleted from the Voicemail server.
· Alert: Notification that a new Voicemail message has been received is sent to the email account.
9.(Optional) When a caller reaches voicemail they can be given the option to be transferred to a different extension. The
greeting message needs to be recorded telling the caller the options available. The extension numbers that they can be
transferred to are entered in the fields:
· Reception/Breakout (DTMF 0)
The number to which callers are to be transferred if they are directed to voicemail and press 0. Usually this is the
reception number.