Voicemail Pro Page 197
15-601063 Issue 20l (03 March 2009)IP Office
Administration: Remote Voicemail Notification Setting the Outcalling Preferences
The preferences in Voicemail Pro are set for global operation. Mailbox owners can configure their outcalling options from
their telephone, for example, create their own time profile. Details on how users can configure outcalling is found in the
Intuity Mailbox guide and Phone Manager 4.2+ User Guide.
To set the global outcalling preferences:
1.Display the main Voicemail Pro window.
2.From the Administration menu, select Preferences > General.
3.Click the Outcalling tab.
4.Select the times that outcalling is active in the System Times section.
· Prime Times - The time period that outcalling is to be active as default for the system.
· Peak Times - The busiest working hours.
5.Set the retry settings in the System Retry Settings section.
· The Number of Retries can be between 0 and 10. If the message is not collected after the last retry, no notification
is sent until another new message is delivered in the user's mailbox.
· The Retry Interval are set for each retry attempt. The interval is the length of time between each attempt to ring to
targeted number again. The 6th to 10th retries use the default retry interval.
· Double-click a selected retry time to edit the interval between retries. The New interval number window opens
where the length of time between each attempt to ring the target number can be changed. Click OK to save the
change and return to the Outcalling window.
6.Click OK.
7.Click Save and Make Live and select Yes.
A timeout value can be set by a user. This is how long outcalling will attempt to call a number before giving up. For more
information, see the Intuity Mailbox guide.