Voicemail Pro Page 336
15-601063 Issue 20l (03 March 2009)IP Office
8.2 IVR: Connecting Voicemail Pro to a Database
Voicemail Pro call flows can interact, read and write data, with almost any Windows database that supports ODBC (Open
Database Connectivity) and SQL (Structured Query Language) format.
· Requirements for Voicemail Pro Database Operation
To use the Database actions within Voicemail Pro, a VM Pro Database Interface must be added to the IP Office
The Database Actions that can be used in a call flow are:
· Database Open
Opens the required database, including any necessary permissions and security options.
· Database Execute
Defines a SQL query to either read matching records from the database or to write data to the database. Up to 6 fields
can be defined to be returned in matching database records.
· Database Get Data
Selects the current record from the matches returned by the preceding Database Execute action. The record fields are
then placed into Voicemail Pro variables DBD[0] to DBD[5]. The Database Get Data allows selection of the first, next,
previous or last record.
· Database Close
Closes the database connection. This also occurs automatically if the caller disconnects.