Voicemail Pro Page 377
15-601063 Issue 20l (03 March 2009)IP Office
Appendix: Installing IMS Check the IMS Services
If Voicemail Pro has been installed successfully, the voicemail service is started automatically. However it is useful to
check them and to know how to stop-start the services manually.
To check/restart the Voicemail Pro and IMS Services
1.Do not proceed with this process until you have completed the steps in Installing the IMS and Voicemail Pro
Software .
2.Open the Windows Control Panel.
3.Select Administrative Tools > Services.
4.The Voicemail Pro service and IMS services should be visible. Their Status should be Started and the Startup Type
should be set to Automatic.
5.The details should also show that the services are running under the IMS account.
6.If it necessary to manually restart the services, ensure that the following order is used: VMProDBService (if
installed), Voicemail Pro Service, IMS(Restart), IMS(Voice) and finally IMS(Gateway).
7.Close Services.
8.Only when you have completed the above process should you proceed to Initializing the Call Flow .
Using a Batch File to Start Services
In some instances, certain computers might not respond quickly enough in order to start all of the Avaya services in the
correct order. In this circumstance, it can be advisable to create a batch file which will delay the start of these services
until the PC is fully running.
Avaya IP Office Services can be started successfully at system start-up using a scheduled task that initiates the batch file
below. This batch file ensures that the services will start successfully and in the proper order.
1. Set all Avaya services listed below to Manual start. Do not include Key Server.
2.Create the batch file below and save it to %SYSTEMROOT%. Only include lines for the services which are installed.
@echo off
rem Wait 60 seconds before execute.
timeout /t 60
net start VMProDBService
net start Voicemail Pro Service
net start IMS(Restart)
net start IMS(Voice)
net start IMS(Gateway)
3.Create a scheduled task to start the batch file at system start-up.