Voicemail Pro Page 69
15-601063 Issue 20l (03 March 2009)IP Office
Installing Voicemail Pro: Text to Speech (TTS) Install
Spell forces the engine to speak any nested text literally rather than applying any speech rules. This is useful for
numbers where rather that than saying 3001 as three thousand and one for 3001, the speech required is three zero zero
one. This tag must be nested.
· Attributes
This tag has no attributes.
· Example:
· The telephone number is <spell>555 3468</spell>.
Inserts a period of silence. This tag must be empty.
· Attributes
· msec=
Sets the duration in milliseconds.
· Example:
· A short silence <silence msec="500"/> of half a second.
Forces the pronunciation of a word according to it usage if not correctly determined by the TTS speech engine or to
override the engine. This tag must be nested.
· Attributes:
· part=
Takes a value from noun, verb, modifier, function or interjection.
· Example:
· To <partofsp part="verb">record</partofsp> that <partofsp part="noun">record</partofsp> press 1.