Voicemail Pro Page 381
15-601063 Issue 20l (03 March 2009)IP Office
Appendix: Installing IMS Adjusting DCOM Settings
Microsoft have significantly increased the security around many operations included application access to functions such
as email. The following DCOM changes are therefore essential for support of IMS and must be performed before installing
the IMS Client.
The DCOM changes can be done either through a security policy that is then applied to all PC's in the domain, otherwise
the individual settings on each client PC must be adjusted.
To set the Client PC's DCOM Settings
1.Do not proceed with this process until you have completed the steps in IMS Client Requirements .
2.Using one of the methods described below, ensure that the DCOM settings of the client PC are adjusted to support
interaction with the IMS server.
· B2a. Setting the Changes on a DCOM Security Policy.
· B2b. DCOM Settings for a Windows 2000 PC.
· B2c. DCOM Settings for XP Pro and Windows 2003 PC's.
3.Only when you have completed the above process should you proceed to Installing the IMS Client Software .