Voicemail Pro Page 327
15-601063 Issue 20l (03 March 2009)IP Office
Voicemail Pro Examples: Using VB Script MessageTime Method
The MessageTime method is used to obtain the date and time the message was left within a mailbox.
mailbox As String,
message As String
) As String
· Parameters
· mailbox - The mailbox that the message belongs to.
· message - The message to query.
· Return Value
The time the message was left in the format: YEAR/MONTH/DAY HOUR:MINUTE. For example 2003/09/23 13:26. PlayDigits Method
The PlayDigits method is used to play the digits specified through voicemail to the active connection.
digits As String,
[wait As Boolean = True],
[interruptables As String = “Any”],
[dlgid As Long = 0]
) As String
· Parameters
· digits - This contains the digits to be played (e.g. “12345” plays “one two three four five”).
· wait - This is an optional parameter specifying whether voicemail should return immediately or wait until the digits
have been played first.
· interruptables - This is for future development and should be left as default.
· dlgid - The connection ID as passed in to the script.
· Return Value
The key press that was used to terminate the playback.
· Example
Sub Main (dlgid)
dim registration
Set Voice = CreateObject("vmprov5.voicescript")
registration = Voice.Register(dlgid)
if registration Then
dim key
key = Voice.PlayDigits(“12345”);
end if
End Sub