Voicemail Pro Page 70
15-601063 Issue 20l (03 March 2009)IP Office
2.7.5 Setting Up Text To Speech to Read Email
It is not possible to parse email without a license for TTS. Therefore, it is not possible to forward emails without a valid
TTS license.
In conjunction with MAPI email clients and Exchange server, TTS can be used to read new e-mails in a user's email inbox
when they access their voicemail mailbox.
This feature is supported only for Intuity mode. Users hear their new voicemail messages and then the number of
"Messages with text". Before each email is spoken, details of who it is from, when the message was sent and the size are
given. This allows large or non-urgent e-mails to be skipped.
· Email reading cannot be used for e-mails in HTML format. If HTML messages are received, all of the code will be
read out as a message.
To set up text to speech to read email:
1. Install and test Voicemail Pro for MAPI-based Voicemail Email operation with an Exchange Server.
2. To perform email reading, the Voicemail account created on the Exchange server for Voicemail Email must able to
access the individual users email mailboxes. This can be achieved by either:
· On the Exchange Server, ensure that Voicemail user account is granted rights to access all user email boxes,
· Within each user's Outlook:
· Select Tools > Options.
· Select Delegates.
· Add the voicemail account as a delegate.
3. If you have not already done so, install and test TTS operation using a Speak Text action.
4. Using IP Office Manager, load the IP Office configuration and open the settings for each user.
5. In Voicemail Email, enter the user's email address. The same address is used for both Voicemail Email and Email
Reading services.
6. Select Voicemail Email Reading.
7. For systems upgraded from 2.0, where a + sign was used in front of the users email address to indicate Email TTS
usage, the + sign is automatically removed and the Voicemail Email Reading box is selected.
8. Click OK and merge the new configuration back to the IP Office system.
9. Send the user a test email. Then log into the user's voicemail mailbox and check whether following the voice
messages a new "message with text" is announced.