Voicemail Pro Page 11
15-601063 Issue 20l (03 March 2009)IP Office
Voicemail Pro:
1.1 What is New
The following are summaries of the new features in IP Office Voicemail Pro releases.
Voicemail Pro 4.2
· IP Office Unified Messaging Service (UMS)
Two new methods for users to access their mailbox are now supported. The methods are mailbox access using
email applications that support IMAP (Internet Message Access Protocol) and mailbox access via web browsers.
The use of these requires the IP Office configuration to contain UMS Web Services licenses for the number of
required users.
· IMAP Service
The Voicemail Pro now includes an IMAP server. Users can then access their voicemail messages using email
clients such as Outlook and Lotus notes that support an IMAP Client. When connected, the IMAP client and
Voicemail Pro will synchronize messages in the mailbox with message files in the IMAP client. Playback is
through the sound facilities of the user PC.
· Web Voicemail Service
The Voicemail Pro web service allows users to access their mailbox using a web browser. This has been tested
with the Internet Explorer 7, Firefox 2 and Opera 9.10 PC browsers. This method of access requires Voicemail
Pro to be installed on a PC already running Microsoft's IIS web server. Users can select to have message
playback via an IP Office extension or through their PC's sound facilities.
· Test Variable Action
The existing Check Digits action has been replaced by a Test Variable action. This, in addition to offering the
capabilities of the Check Digits action, provides significant enhancements. In addition to being able to match the
user's DTMF input against a specified string offered by the Check Digits action, the Test Variable action allows
the testing of the contents of any system variable against known user extensions, hunt-groups, mailboxes and the
contents of another variable. This will allow callers to enter numbers via a menu action, that can be verified as
matching an existing extension or hunt groups prior to attempting to carry out transfers to otherwise potentially
non-existent numbers.
· Menu Action Invalid Input Handling
The Menu action has been enhanced. It now includes a control for the number of retries for the caller to make a
valid entry and an Invalid Input result for connection to following call flow actions. Also prompts can be selected
for playback whenever an invalid entry or entry timeout occurs.
· License and Service Status Display
When the Voicemail Pro client is connected to a Voicemail Pro server, the Help | About screen displays a list of
the licenses being used by the Voicemail Pro server. This license details include the validation status and capacity
of those licenses. The status of related services, for example the UMS IMAP server, are also listed.
· System Variable Length Increase
Previously the length of values stored by system variables has been limited to 64 characters. That maximum
length has been increased to 512 characters.
· Outcalling Configuration
In conjunction with Phone Manager 4.2, Voicemail Pro 4.2 allows users to adjust their outcalling settings through
using a visual menu within Phone Manager.
· Using the Phone Manager interface, users can now apply a delay between each notification call in an
escalation list.