Voicemail Pro Page 407
15-601063 Issue 20l (03 March 2009)IP Office
Appendix: Installing IMS
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Avaya\Integrated Messaging\Client
This key must be enabled to allow tracing using the other keys below.
This provides some tracing for when certain COM objects are constructed. As a
whole it is not required for diagnostics.
This provides some tracing for when certain COM objects are destructed. As a whole
it is not required for diagnostics.
Generally used by the client software to trace out information about the functions
that are being executed.
Allows certain created COM objects to be traced.
When a client connects to a server, it connects through a proxy. This settings allows
information from the proxy to be traced.
This indicates when the reference count for certain COM objects is changed (through
AddRef, Release).
When certain internal objects are created, such as a channel object for speech
playback, this information is tracked. Using this setting every minute a trace occurs
of the object list.
Allow tracing of MAPI events received from MAPI.
Used for tracing what server commands the extension is using.
Allow tracing of events received from the IMS server.
Used for tracing how long certain MAPI events took to process.
All the keys are based on the component as follows:
· IMS (Voice) Server – “SOFTWARE\Avaya\Integrated Messaging\Voicemail” (e.g.
“HKLM\SOFTWARE\Avaya\Integrated Messaging\Voicemail”)
· IMS (Gateway) Server – “SOFTWARE\Avaya\Integrated Messaging\Gateway”
· IMS Administration – “SOFTWARE\Avaya\Integrated Messaging\Admin”
· IMS Client – “SOFTWARE\Avaya\Integrated Messaging\Client” (e.g. “HKCU\SOFTWARE\Avaya\Integrated
VM Server Specific
· "CtiNotifyTracing" – Provide tracing to indicate that a Cti event has occurred.
· "VmsNotifyTracing" – Provide tracing to indicate that a VMS API event has occurred.