Voicemail Pro Page 136
15-601063 Issue 20l (03 March 2009)IP Office
4.2.1 Changing Administrator Details
If you are an administrator user, you can change details of a standard administrator or another administrator user. You
can change the user name, user type and status. You can also reset the password of other administrator users.
You can change the authority level of a standard user to an administrator and vice versa.
To change the authority level of a user:
1.In the Start Points Navigation pane, select Voicemail Pro Administrators. The name, type and status of any existing
Voicemail Pro administrators are displayed in the details pane.
2.Right-click the name of the administrator user whose details you need to change.
3.Select Modify. The Modify Administrator window opens.
4.(Optional) Edit the name of the administrator user.
5.(Optional) Change the password and inform the user. For more information, see Resetting a Password
6.(Optional) In the Type field select the type of user. Choose either Administrator or Standard. By default new users are
created as Inactive. Their status changes to Active when they connect to a Voicemail Pro server.
7.Click OK.
8.Click Save and Make Live to save the changes.
4.2.2 Deleting an Administrator
For security it is good practice to delete administrator users as soon as they are no longer required.
To delete an administrator:
1.In the Start Points Navigation pane, select Voicemail Pro Administrators. The name, type and status of any existing
Voicemail Pro administrators are displayed in the details pane.
2.Right-click the name of the administrator user whose details you need to delete.
3.Click Delete. A message is displayed to confirm whether you want to delete. If not, for example if you have chosen the
wrong name, click Cancel. If you are sure that you want to delete the selected administrator, click Yes. The selected
administrator is deleted.
4.Click Save and Make Live to save the changes.