Voicemail Pro Page 24
15-601063 Issue 20l (03 March 2009)IP Office
2.1.3 Disk Space Requirements
The following are only approximations:
· At least 2GB of free disk space is required on the operating system drive (by default c:), regardless of to which drive
Voicemail Pro is actually installed.
· A compact Voicemail Pro installation requires 130MB.
· A typical installation requires approximately 255MB.
· A custom installation, including VPNM and IMS requires up to 2GB of disk space. However, prompts and recorded
messages consume an additional 1MB of disk space per minute.
· For Avaya IP Office Small Office Edition, you can expect to require at least 200 minutes of message recording
space, that is 200MB.
· For a busy environment you can expect to require at least 1000 minutes of message recording space, that is
· If you are installing the Client only, you can expect to require at least 170MB.
2.1.4 Web Server Operation
If web browser access is required, the Microsoft IIS Web Server must be installed on the server PC before Voicemail Pro
is installed:
· Microsoft web server products run as services and require Voicemail Pro to also run as a service. This applies on
Windows 2003 or XP.
· Internet Information Server 5.0 or higher is required.
2.1.5 Voicemail Email Connection
Voicemail Email operation is supported using either MAPI or SMTP. MAPI requires the Voicemail Pro server PC to have a
MAPI-compliant email client installed. For information, see Installing Voicemail Email:Overview .
If Text to Speech is installed, email text to speech is supported using MAPI. For more information, see Setting up Text to
Speech to Read Email .
In both of the above cases, full email sending from the server PC to a user PC should be configured and tested before
Voicemail Pro is installed. Testing should use the same PC user account under Voicemail Pro is to be installed.
2.1.6 ContactStore Operation
The current IP Office Voice Recording Library (VRL) application is Avaya IP Office ContactStore. This application and its
installation are documented separately.
· IP Office ContactStore should be installed after Voicemail Pro has been installed and its operation verified.
· IP Office ContactStore must use a separate hard disk partition for its message archiving from that used by
Voicemail Pro for current mailbox messages. Use of a separate hard disk or installation onto a separate server PC
are alternatives.
· The use of RAID 1 or RAID 5 are recommended.
· The use of a DVD recorder for long-term archiving is recommended.
· A figure of 7.2MB per hour for archived recordings is given.
· The archived messages held by IP Office ContactStore are accessed via web browser using the port address 8888.
This port address is not configurable and so it is necessary to ensure that it does not conflict with any other web
server service running on the same server PC.