Parameter Value
IP auto configuration DHCP
Default-Gateway none
Table 1-1: Initial configuration
If this initial configuration doesn’t meet your local requirements, you need to do the initial IP
configuration. Use one of the following ways:
1. Connect the enclosed NULL modem cable to the serial interface on the rear side. The serial
interface needs to be adjusted with the parameters shown in table 1-2:
Parameter Value
Bits/second 115200
Data bits 8
Parity No
Stop bits 1
Flow Control None
Table 1-2: Serial parameters
Use a terminal software (e.g. hyper term or minicom) to connect to KVM-9000. Press the reset
button of KVM-9000 and immediately press < ESC >. You will see some device information and
a ’=>’ prompt. Enter the command ’config’ and press < Enter >. After waiting a few moments you
may configure IP auto configuration, IP address, net mask and default gateway. Pressing < Enter
> without entering values does not change settings. The gateway value must be set to (for
no gateway) or any other value. You will be asked if the values are correct and get a chance to
correct them. After confirming, KVM-9000 performs a reset.
2. Use a crossover Ethernet cable to connect KVM-9000 to a subnet where a DHCP server is
available. After the DHCP server has assigned an IP address to KVM-9000 you can use the web
interface to configure the device.
Web interface
KVM-9000 may be accessed using a standard web browser. You may use the HTTP protocol or a
secure encrypted connection via HTTPS. Just enter the configured IP address of KVM-9000 into your
web browser. Initially there is only one user configured whom has unrestricted access to all KVM-9000
Login name
super (factory default)
pass (factory default)
Please login and change the password immediately according to your own policies.
The Remote Console
The Remote Console is the redirected screen, keyboard and mouse of the remote host system to
which KVM-9000 is attached. The web browser which is used for accessing KVM-9000 has to supply
a Java Runtime Environment version 1.1 or higher. The Remote Console will behave exactly the same
way as if you were sitting directly in front of the screen of your remote system. That means keyboard