Sensors (1)
Sensors (1)
1A. Load Sensor (WFL2060UC)
At a predefined points during the initial fill, the washer determines if it needs more water using a pressure switch. This is
due to differences in the absorption of the laundry and the size of the loads.
1B. Dynamic Load Sensor (WFR2460UC)
During the entire fill the washer continually adjusts for the size of the load and determines if more water is needed using an
analog pressure switch and a flow meter.
2. Digital Temperature Sensor (WFL2060UC & WFR2460UC)
The thermostat monitors the temperature of the water and controls the length of time the heating element is on, ensuring
the proper temperature for the chosen cycle.
3A. Suds Sensor (WFL2060UC)
During the beginning of the1st rinse/spin phase, the washer determines if there are excessive suds and automatically adds
2 rinses (if necessary). This is accomplished via the pressure switch and the motor synchronization system.
3B. Continuous Suds Sensor (WFR2460UC)
Checking the pumping out phase of the main wash, the beginning of the 1st rinse/spin phase and the actual spin speed vs.
the programmed spin speed, the washer determines if there are excessive suds and automatically adds up to 2 rinses (if
necessary). This is accomplished via the pressure switch, analog pressure switch and the motor synchronization system.
4. Unbalanced Load Sensor (WFL2060UC & WFR2460UC)
During the final spin cycle the washer monitors the positioning and balance of the load. If the load unbalanced, the washer
stops and adjusts the load up to 15 times and reduces the spin speed to finish the cycle. This is accomplished via the
motor synchronization system.
1st Edition/Revision 5 (1/20/04)