SLB™ Branch Office Manager User Guide 47
6: Basic Parameters
This chapter explains how to set the following basic configuration settings for the SLB
branch office manager using the SLB web interface or the CLI:
Network parameters that determine how the SLB interacts with the attached
Firewall and routing
Date and time
Note: If you entered some of these settings using a Quick Setup procedure, you
may update them here.
If you assign a different IP address from the current one, it must be within a valid range,
unique to your network, and with the same subnet mask as your workstation.
To configure the unit, you need the following information:
IP address: ________. ________ . ________ .________
Subnet mask: ________. ________ . ________ .________
IP address (optional): ________. ________ . ________ .________
Subnet mask (optional): ________. ________ . ________ .________
Gateway: ________. ________ . ________ .________
DNS: ________. ________ . ________ .________