12: Maintenance and Operation
SLB™ Branch Office Manager User Guide 200
The top half of the page displays the status of each port, power supply, and power
outlet. Green indicates that the port connection or power supply is active and
functioning correctly. Red indicates an error or failure or that the device is off.
2. Enter the following:
View Report
View Report Select as many of the reports as desired, or select All.
Port Status: Displays the status of each device port: mode,
user, any related connections, and serial port settings.
Port Counters: Displays statistics related to the flow of data
through each device port.
IP Routes: Displays the routing table.
Connections: Displays all active connections for the SLB branch
office manager: Telnet, SSH, TCP, UDP, device port, and
System Configuration – Complete: Displays a complete
snapshot of the SLB settings.
System Configuration – Basic: Displays a snapshot of the
SLB device's basic settings (for example, network, date/time,
routing, services, console port).
System Configuration – Authentication: Displays a snapshot
of authentication settings only (including a list of all localusers).
System Configuration - Devices: Displays a snapshot of
settings for each device port and (each PC Card slot) for a
PC Card.
3. Click the Generate Report button. In the upper left, the report page displays a list
of reports generated.