11: User Authentication
SLBâ„¢ Branch Office Manager User Guide 176
The system administrator creates two custom user menus, with menu1 having a nested
menu (menu2):
[SLB]> set menu add menu1
Enter optional menu title (<return> for none): Menu1 Title
Specify nickname for each command? [no] y
Enter each command, up to 50 commands ('logout' is always the last command).
Press <return> when the menu command set is complete.
Command #1: connect direct deviceport 1
Nickname #1: connect Port-1
Command #2: connect direct deviceport 2
Nickname #2: connect Port-2
Command #3: showmenu menu2
Warning: menu 'menu2' does not exist.
Nickname #3: menu2
Command #4:
Command #4: logout
Nickname #4: log off
Custom User Menu settings successfully updated.
[SLB]> set menu add menu2
Enter optional menu title (<return> for none): Menu2 Title
Specify nickname for each command? [no]
Enter each command, up to 50 commands ('logout' is always the last command).
Press <return> when the menu command set is complete.
Command #1: connect direct deviceport 3
Command #2: connect direct deviceport 4
Command #3: show datetime
Command #4: returnmenu
Command #5:
Command #5: logout
Custom User Menu settings successfully updated.
[SLB]> show menu all
___Custom User Menus___________________________________________________________
menu1 menu2
[SLB]> show menu menu1
___Custom User Menus___________________________________________________________
Menu: menu1
Title: Menu1 Title
Show Nicknames: enabled
Redisplay Menu: disabled
Command 1: connect direct deviceport 1
Nickname 1: connect Port-1
Command 2: connect direct deviceport 2
Nickname 2: connect Port-2
Command 3: showmenu menu2
Nickname 3: menu2
Command 4: logout
Nickname 4: log off
[SLB]> show menu menu2