12: Maintenance and Operation
SLB™ Branch Office Manager User Guide 187
Administrative Commands
These commands for the command line interface correspond to the web page entries
described above.
To copy the boot bank from the currently booted bank to the alternate bank (for
dual-boot SLB branch office managers):
To reboot the SLB device:
admin reboot
Note: The front panel LCD displays the “Rebooting the SLB” message, and the normal boot
sequence occurs.
To add welcome, login, and logout banners:
admin banner login <Banner Text>
admin banner logout <Banner Text)
admin banner welcome <Banner Text>
Note: To go to the next line, type \n and press Enter.
To display banners:
admin banner show
To prepare the SLB branch office manager to be powered off:
admin shutdown
Note: When you use this command to shut down the SLB device, the LCD front panel displays
"Shutting down the SLB," followed by a pause, and then "Shutdown complete." When "Shutdown
complete" displays, it is safe to power off the SLB branch office manager. This command is not
available on the Web page.