11: User Authentication
SLB™ Branch Office Manager User Guide 160
KDC IP Address
Enter the IP address of the Key Distribution Center (KDC).
KDC Port
Port on the KDC listening for requests. Enter an integer with a
maximum value of 65535. The default is 88.
Custom Menu
If custom menus have been created, you can assign a default
custom menu to RADIUS users.
A single character or a two-character sequence that causes the
SLB branch office manager to leave direct (interactive) mode. (To
leave listen mode, press any key.)
A suggested value is Esc+A (escape key, then uppercase "A"
performed quickly but not simultaneously). You would specify this
value as \x1bA, which is hexadecimal (\x) character 27 (1B)
followed by an A.
This setting allows the user to terminate the connect direct
command on the command line interface when the endpoint of the
command is deviceport, tcp, or udp.
A series of 1-10 characters users can enter on the command line
interface to send a break signal to the external device. A
suggested value is Esc+B (escape key, then uppercase “B”
performed quickly but not simultaneously). You would specify this
value as \x1bB, which is hexadecimal (\x) character 27 (1B)
followed by a B.
Indicate whether Kerberos should rely on LDAP to look up
user IDs and Group IDs. This setting is disabled by default.
Note: Make sure to configure LDAP if you select this option.
Data Ports
The ports users are able to monitor and interact with using the
connect direct command. U and L denote the PC Card
upper and lower slots.
Listen Port
The ports users are able to monitor using the connect listen
Clear Port Buffers
The ports whose port buffer users may clear using the set
locallog clear command.
Access Outlets
The power outlets users may monitor and configure.
3. In the User Rights section, select the user group to which Kerberos users will
Select the group to which the Kerberos users will belong:
Default Users: This group has only the most basic rights.
You can specify additional rights for the individual user.
Power Users: This group has the same rights as Default
Users plus Networking, Date/Time, Reboot & Shutdown,
and Diagnostics & Reports.
Administrators: This group has all possible rights.
4. Select or clear the checkboxes for the following rights: