13: Application Examples
SLB™ Branch Office Manager User Guide 208
3. Connect to the device port:
[SLB]> connect direct deviceport 2
4. View messages from the SUN server console:
Mar 15 09:09:44 tssf280r sendmail[292]: [ID 702911 mail.info] starting daemon
(8.12.2+Sun): SMTP+queueing@00:15:00
Mar 15 09:09:44 tssf280r sendmail[293]: [ID 702911 mail.info] starting daemon
(8.12.2+Sun): queueing@00:15:00
Mar 15 14:44:40 tssf280r sendmail[275]: [ID 702911 mail.info] starting daemon
(8.12.2+Sun): SMTP+queueing@00:15:00
Mar 15 14:44:40 tssf280r sendmail[276]: [ID 702911 mail.info] starting daemon
(8.12.2+Sun): queueing@00:15:00
5. Reboot the SUN server:
<shutdown messages from SUN>
6. Use the escape sequence to escape from direct mode back to the command line
Dial-in (Text Mode) to a Remote Device
This example shows a modem connected to an SLB device port, and a Sun server
connected to another SLB device port. You can configure the modem for text mode dial-
in, so a remote user can dial into the modem using a terminal emulation program and
access the Sun server. (HyperTerminal™, which comes with the Microsoft ® Windows™
operating system, is an example of a terminal emulation program.)
In this example, the sysadmin would:
1. Configure the device port that the modem is connected to for dial-in:
[SLB]> set deviceport port 1 modemmode text
Device Port settings successfully updated.
[SLB]> set deviceport port 1 initscript "AT&F&K3&C1&D2%C0A"
Device Port settings successfully updated.
[SLB]> set deviceport port 1 auth pap
Device Port settings successfully updated.
[SLB]> set deviceport port 1 localsecret "password"
Device Port settings successfully updated.
[SLB]> set deviceport port 1 modemstate dialin
Device Port settings successfully updated.
SLB Branch Office Manager