11: User Authentication
SLBâ„¢ Branch Office Manager User Guide 158
To set user group and permissions for RADIUS users:
set radius group <default|power|admin>
To set permissions for RADIUS users not already defined by the user rights group:
set radius permissions <Permission List>
<Permission List> is one or more of nt, sv, dt, lu, ra, sk, um, dp,
pc, rs, rc, dr, wb, sn, ad
To remove a permission, type a minus sign before the two-letter abbreviation for a user
To set a default custom menu for RADIUS users:
set radius custommenu <Menu Name>
To view RADIUS settings:
show radius
Kerberos is a network authentication protocol that provides strong authentication for
client/server applications by using secret-key cryptography.
The system administrator can configure the SLB branch office manager to use Kerberos
to authenticate users attempting to log in using the Web, Telnet, SSH, or the console
Users who are authenticated through Kerberos are granted device port access through
the port permissions on this page.
All Kerberos users are members of a group that has predefined user rights associated
with it. You can add additional user rights that are not defined by the group.
To configure the SLB branch office manager to use Kerberos to authenticate
1. Click the User Authentication tab and select the Kerberos option. The following
page displays.