12: Maintenance and Operation
SLBâ„¢ Branch Office Manager User Guide 199
To generate and send Ethernet packets:
diag sendpacket host <IP Address or Name> port <TCP or UDP Port
Number> [string <Packet String>] [protocol <tcp|udp>] [count
<Number of Packets>]
The default is 1.
To display all network traffic, applying optional filters:
Note: This command is not available
diag nettrace <one or more parameters>
ethport <1|2>
host <IP Address or Name>
numpackets <Number of Packets>
protocol <tcp|udp|icmp>
verbose <enable|disable>
To display information on the internal memory, storage and processes of the SLB
branch office manager:
diag internals
Note: This command is available in the CLI but not the web.
On this page, you can view the status of the SLB ports and power supplies and generate
a selection of reports.
Note: Status and statistics shown on the web interface represent a snapshot in time. To
see the most recent data, you must reload the web page.
1. Click the Maintenance tab and select the Status/Reports option. The following
page displays: