SLB™ Branch Office Manager User Guide 125
10: Connections
Chapter 8: Device Ports described how to configure and interact with an SLB branch
office manager device port connected to an external device. This chapter describes how
to use the Connections web page to connect external devices and outbound network
connections (such as Telnet or SSH) in various configurations.
An SLB device port attached to an external device can be connected to one of the
following endpoints:
Another device port attached to an external device
Another device port with a modem attached
An outgoing Telnet or SSH session
An outgoing TCP or UDP network connection
This enables the user to set up connections such as those described in the next section.
You can establish a connection at various times:
Immediately. These connections are always re-established after reboot.
At a specified date and time. These connections connect if the date and time
have already passed.
After a specified amount of data or a specified sequence of data passes through
the connection. Following reboot, the connection is not reestablished until the
specified data passes through the connection.