11: User Authentication
SLB™ Branch Office Manager User Guide 140
The outlets the user may monitor and configure.
Enable for
Select to grant a local user dial-back access (see page 84). Users
with dial-back access can dial into the SLB branch office manager
and enter their login and password. Once the SLB device
authenticates them, the modem hangs up and dials them back.
Disabled by default.
The phone number the modem dials back on depends on this
setting for the device port. The user is either dialed back on a fixed
number (specified on the Device Port - Settings page), or on a
number that is associated with the user’s login (specified here).
A single character or a two-character sequence that causes the
SLB branch office manager to leave direct (interactive) mode. (To
leave listen mode, press any key.)
A suggested value is Esc+A (escape key, then uppercase "A"
performed quickly but not simultaneously). You would specify this
value as \x1bA, which is hexadecimal (\x) character 27 (1B)
followed by an A.
This setting allows the user to terminate the connect direct
command on the command line interface when the endpoint of the
command is deviceport, tcp, or udp.
A series of 1-10 characters users can enter on the command line
interface to send a break signal to the external device. A suggested
value is Esc+B (escape key, then uppercase “B” performed quickly
but not simultaneously). You would specify this value as \x1bB,
which is hexadecimal (\x) character 27 (1B) followed by a B.
Custom Menu
If custom menus have been created, you can assign a default
custom menu to the user. The custom menu will display at login.
Note: In the Local Users table, if the menu assigned to a local user
no longer exists, it is marked with an asterisk (*).
Display Menu
at Login
If custom menus have been created, select to enable the menu to
display when the user logs into the CLI.
When a user logs into the SLB branch office manager, the SLB
device prompts for a password (up to 64 characters). The sysadmin
establishes that password here.
If not selected, allows the user to keep a password indefinitely. If
selected the user keeps the password for a set period. (See Local
and Remote Users on page 137 for information on specifying the
length of time before the password expires.)
Select to allow the user to change password.
Password on
Next Login
Indicate whether the user must change the password at the next
Lock Account
Select to lock the account indefinitely.