12: Maintenance and Operation
SLBâ„¢ Branch Office Manager User Guide 193
System Log Command
The following command for the command line interface corresponds to the web page
entries described above.
Audit Log
The Audit Log web page displays a log of all actions that have changed the configuration
of the SLB branch office manager. The audit log is disabled by default. Use the Services
web page (7: Services) to enable the audit log and to configure its maximum size.
Each entry in the log file contains a date/time stamp, user login, and the action performed
by the user. The user may clear the log file and sort the log by date/time, user, and
command. The audit log is saved through SLB reboots.
1. Click the Maintenance tab and select the Audit Log option. The following page
To view the system logs containing information and error messages:
show syslog [<parameters>]
[email <Email Address>]
level <error|warning|info|debug>
log <all|netlog|servlog|authlog|devlog|diaglog|genlog>
display <head|tail> [numlines <Number of Lines>]
startingtime <MMDDYYhhmm [ss]
endtime <MMDDYYhhmm [ss]
Note: The level and time parameters cannot be used simultaneously.
To clear one or all of the system logs:
show syslog clear