
Log Name Description
ScheduleStopOps.log Temporary log file that can be ignored.
The following table describes the log files pertaining to the DMZ perimeter server:
Log Name Description
PSLogger.Dyyyymmdd.Thhmmss Logs perimeter server information for the
DMZ perimeter server.
StartupPS.log Logs startup activities for the DMZ
perimeter server.
In Sterling B2B Integrator, you can find information about the creation,
modification, and deletion of a Sterling B2B Integrator resource, using the
AUDIT_ADMIN table. Resources include business processes, certificates (CA,
trusted, system), maps, and schemas. You can access the AUDIT_ADMIN table
through a simple database query.
The AUDIT_ADMIN table contains the following information:
v The date and time of a resource operation.
v The resource that was created, modified, or deleted.
v The resource operation (creation, modification, or deletion).
v The User ID of the user who performed the operation.
The AUDIT_ADMIN table also contains information about when a user obtains or
releases a lock on a resource using the Lock Manager, if the type of modification
cannot be determined in the Lock Manager.
You can generate reports (by Resource Type or User ID) from the AUDIT_ADMIN
table. Use the following procedure to generate an Admin-Audit Report:
1. In the Administration Menu, select Operations > Reports.
2. In the Search section of the screen that is displayed, select the Admin Audit
3. Click source manager icon adjacent to the report you want to generate:
v AdminAuditByObjectType (by Resource Type)
v AdminAuditByPrincipal (by User ID)
4. In the Report Source Manager page that is displayed, click the execute icon.
The Admin-Audit Report is displayed.
The Admin-Audit Report (whether by Report Type or User ID), includes the
following columns. The AUDIT_ADMIN table field name is displayed within
parentheses after the column name.
v Action Type (ACTION_TYPE)
Example: Modified
v Action Value (ACTION_VALUE)
Example: Message Purge
v Principal (PRINCIPAL)
Example: UserID
Performance Management 93