Recommendation Test Production Comments
Increase the number of
concurrent threads.
R R Total number of concurrent threads that Sterling
File Gateway is allowed to use. This number may
be verified against the licensed number of
threads. This value is the total number of threads
available to a workflow engine to execute
business process steps. Other, non-workflow
engine threads do not come under the purview of
this limit. For example, the threads set in
fgRouteConcurrentSessionLimit do not come
under the purview of this limit.
Set storage type. R R File System is more efficient.
Default value: database
The following table shows the properties that control the above parameters:
Recommendation Property
Increase the value of Sterling File Gateway. fgRouteConcurrentSessionLimit
If you are processing very large files, increase the probe
values to avoid timeout conditions.
v filegateway.bpCompletionProbes.2
v filegateway.bpCompletionSleepMsec.2
If you have a high volume of PGP traffic, you can
improve your performance by specifying a group for the
file gateway.
If you have very large files that will be processed by
PGP, increase the value of the file gateway.
If you have high volumes of FTP traffic, you can
improve your performance by specifying a group.
Decrease the value of evaluation frequency.
v MailboxEvaluateAllAutomaticRules
v MailboxEvaluateAllAutomaticRulesSubMin
Suppress Duplicate Messages mailbox.disallowDuplicateMessages=true
Increase the number of steps a business process must
complete prior to returning to the queue.
Increase the time period that a business process can use
a thread, before releasing it to be used for another
business process.
Increase the number of concurrent threads. noapp.MaxThreads
Set storage type. N/A
EBICS Banking Server: Specific Recommendations
The EBICS Banking Server is installed on an instance of Sterling B2B Integrator,
and shares many of the resources with the latter.
You should, therefore, tune your Sterling B2B Integrator installation first, and then
perform the EBICS Banking Server-specific tuning. Be aware that the changes you
make to the EBICS Banking Server can also affect the performance of Sterling B2B
12 Sterling B2B Integrator: Performance Management