v The BPs In Queue section gives detailed information about business
process activity. If there are business processes remaining in the queue
that you no longer want to wait for, they can be drained by clicking the
Force Drain BPs link that appears in the BPs In Queue section when
business processes are in the queue.
v The Client Sessions section lists business processes that have an open
client session with adapters. You need to wait for those business
processes to complete before you proceed to the next step to stop all
h. Stop All Adapters
This is used to shut down all adapters until you reach a timeout (in
seconds) that is specified in the shutdown.timeout_for_adapters property in
the noapp.properties_platform_ifcresources_ext.in property file. If the
timeout value is zero, the adapters will not shut down gracefully.
Note: You can also shut down adapters using the graceful adapter
shutdown tool. For more information, see Graceful Adapter Shutdown.
i. Stop JVM This is used to stop the Java Virtual Machine of a node in both
clustered and standalone installations.
Important: The soft stop only stops the noapp and ops JVMs. To stop the
remaining Sterling B2B Integrator JVMs and stop the system processing, you
must manually run a hard stop after the soft stop is complete.
What to do next
Important: A soft stop does not stop all JVMs and system processing. To fully
stop the system, you must perform a hard stop after the soft stop is complete. For
instructions, see “Hard Stop of Sterling B2B Integrator” on page 120.
Completing a Soft Stop of Sterling B2B Integrator from the
Command Line
Use the softstop command to stop Sterling B2B Integrator gracefully. Unfinished
jobs will be distributed to other nodes or saved to the database to automatically
resume after startup.
Performance Management 115