subsystem (such as FRAME_POOL, NOAPP, or SERVER), and what occurred
(such as ERR_Pool or INFO_NamingException1).
v information string is a brief description of the activity that occurred.
Following is an example of this format:
[2006-05-30 11:06:55.661] ALL 000440020297
This indicates that at 11:06:55.661 a.m. on May 30, 2006, Sterling B2B Integrator
was started, and attempted to load the HTTP Send adapter
(HTTP_SEND_ADAPTER). The message also provides information about:
v Scope (Services)
v The affected part of Sterling B2B Integrator (Services Controller)
v What occurred (INFO_sdi_getName)
v Error code (0297)
Changing Log Settings
Sterling B2B Integrator enables you to change the log settings globally and locally.
Changing Log Settings Globally
You can change log settings globally using the file,
which prevents customized property file changes from being overridden by
updates or patches. You can change global settings in the file. For
more information about the file, refer to Sterling B2B
Integrator Property Files documentation.
Note: The customer override property file is not a part of the initial Sterling B2B
Integrator installation. It must be created and named
To change the property file settings using the file,
perform the following tasks:
1. In the install_dir/properties directory, either create or locate the file.
2. Open the file using a text editor.
3. Specify the settings for the global log properties described in the following
table. These properties are displayed in the following format:
v logService identifies the file in the file.
v Property is the global property of the file that you want to set.
See the following table for a list of properties.
v Value is the property setting of the file.
Property Description
newloggers Specifies whether to allow new log files to be created when the
maximum log file size setting has been exceeded. Valid values:
v true – Allow new logs to be created (Default)
v false – Do not allow new logs to be created
Example: logService.newloggers=true
Performance Management 85