
If the check finds that the database has gone down, the system administrator is
sent an e-mail notification stating that the database is unreachable. The date and
time of the check is also provided as shown in the following example:
Database Unreachable
The database was unreachable at 2005.07.19 14:29:36 EDT.
E-mails will be sent at increasing intervals of
1, 5, 15, 30, 45, and 60 minutes until Sterling B2B Integrator is shut
down or the database can be reached.
Event Information:
eventType: ResourceMonitor.DBResourceMonitor.ExceptionSQLException.3
ExceptionLevel: Exceptional
timestamp: 1121797776902
datetime: 2005.07.19 14:29:36 EDT
Status: SQL Exception
host: myhost
node: node1
subject: Database Server Unreachable (Node- node1 Host- myhost)
Additional e-mail notifications are sent at increasing intervals of 1, 5, 15, 30, 45,
and 60 minutes unless Sterling B2B Integrator is shut down or the database can be
reached. If the database can be reached, the system administrator is sent an e-mail
notification that the database connection was successful as shown in the following
Database Connection Successful
Database was reachable at 2005.07.19 14:34:47 EDT.
Event Information:
eventType: ResourceMonitor.DBResourceMonitor.SUCCESS.1
ExceptionLevel: Exceptional
timestamp: 1121798087408
datetime: 2005.07.19 14:34:47 EDT
Status: Success
host: myhost
node: node1
subject: Database Connection Successful (Node- node1 Host- myhost)
Configure DB Resource Monitor
The DB Resource Monitor can be configured to perform the database down check
at intervals other than the default interval of every two minutes. To change the
interval, perform the following tasks:
1. In the install_dir/properties directory, locate (or create, if necessary) the
customer_overrides.properties file.
2. Open the customer_overrides.properties file using a text editor.
3. Add the following override statement. This statement will set the value of the
DBResourceMonitor.delay property of the resource_monitor.properties file.
The value for new_interval is the interval, in milliseconds, at which you want
the database down check to run. For example, the default value of 120000 runs
the check every 120 seconds, or once every two minutes. If you want to
configure the check to run every 10 minutes (as opposed to the default), you
should set the new_interval value to 600000 (600000 milliseconds = 600 seconds
= 10 minutes). To do so, add the following line to the
customer_overrides.properties file:
4. Save and close the customer_overrides.properties file.
5. Stop and restart Sterling B2B Integrator to use the new values.
Performance Management 225