
16. From the System Troubleshooting page, click Soft Stop. This runs the softstop
script, allowing all active business processes to complete on a node before
stopping the system. The script is run through a series of interactive steps in
the UI. For more information about the softstop process, refer to “Completing
a Soft Stop of Sterling B2B Integrator from the System Troubleshooter” on
page 111.
17. In the tuningFormulas.properties file, change the TUNING_PROPS_UPDATED
property to TRUE.
18. From the install_dir/bin directory, run one of the following commands:
v (UNIX or Linux) setupfiles.sh
v (Windows) setupfiles.cmd
The performance configuration changes populate the initial setup files that are
used during startup.
19. From the install_dir/bin directory, start Sterling B2B Integrator by running one
of the following commands:
v (UNIX or Linux) run.sh
v (Windows) startWindowsService.cmd
Sterling B2B Integrator starts and the updated performance configuration
settings are applied.
Manual Performance Tuning
You may find that you have to tune some application server-independent (ASI)
properties that are not tuned into the Performance Tuning Utility. You can
manually tune these properties in the install_dir/properties/noapp.properties file
and related extension (*.ext) files in Sterling B2B Integrator.
This topic provides information about tuning your ASI environment, scheduling
policies, tuning queues, and changing persistence levels. It also provides
information about concepts such as customizing property files, changing system
logging, enabling trusted domains for schemas, managing system recovery, and
optimizing system performance for Sterling e-Invoicing.
Note: For large volume operations pertaining to FTP, Mail Box, Advanced File
Transfer, and IBM Sterling File Gateway, set the number of open file descriptors to
at least 4096, using the command ulimit -n 4096.
Tuning Your ASI Environment
You can tune your application server-independent (ASI) system using the
properties found in the noapp.properties_platform_ifcresources_ext file, or in the
noapp.properties_gis_ext.in file (for the persistence_level property).
Properties that you may have to tune include:
Set of rules that Sterling B2B Integrator uses to make decisions about how to
manage the workload. Valid values are:
v BasicSchedulingPolicy
v FairShareSchedulingPolicy
Note: For more information about scheduling policy, refer to the topic
“Scheduling Policy” on page 172.
166 Sterling B2B Integrator: Performance Management