Request Description Your Answer
What is the average size of each
outbound transaction type?
Enter the average size of each of your
outbound transactions that Sterling B2B
Integrator will process. Base your
planning on the larger transactions
during peak periods for better
How many of each outbound
transaction type do you receive daily?
Enter the number of each outbound
transaction type received by you daily.
This helps in determining the
processing volumes.
What is the sum total of each outbound
transaction type?
Enter the sum total of each outbound
transaction type. This helps in
determining the processing volumes.
What is the average number of files in
each outbound transaction by type?
Enter the average number of files in
each outbound transaction type. This
helps determine processing volumes.
workflowLauncher: Running a Business Process from a Command
About this task
Sterling B2B Integrator provides a utility called workflowLauncher that allows you
to launch a business process from a command line. The utility launches a business
process and provides the status when it has completed, or when a timeout has
occurred (whichever comes first).
To launch a business process from a command line:
1. Change to the install_dir/bin directory.
2. Run one of the following commands:
v (For UNIX) - ./workflowLauncher.sh -n BPname [option(s)]
v (For Windows) - workflowLauncher.cmd -n BPname [option(s)]
BPname is the name of the business process you want to launch. The available
options are listed in the following table:
Option Description
-n BPname Specifies the name of the business process definition to launch.
Example: workflowLauncher.sh -n testBP
An error will be generated if the business process name is not
-s Specifies Silent mode. Optional. In Silent mode, less information
about the business process is output to the standard output.
Default is Verbose mode.
244 Sterling B2B Integrator: Performance Management