JGroup Threads
JGroup is a reliable multicast communication toolkit and is used in Sterling B2B
Integrator cluster environment. You cannot control the number of threads created
by JGroup.
JetSpeed Threads
Jetspeed is the portal engine used in Sterling B2B Integrator dashboard interface.
The jetspeedresources.properties file controls the number of threads created by
You can control the number of threads created by JetSpeed by modifying the
following configuration parameters in install/noapp/deploy/dashboard/webapp/
WEB-INF/conf/JetspeedResources.properties file.
#Specify the initial number of threads to create
#Specify the maximum number of threads to create
#Specify the minimum number of threads to keep as spare until you hit the maximum
Note: You cannot modify the services.ThreadPool.init.count value. However,
you can modify the services.ThreadPool.max.count value in the available range
from 5 - 20.
After modifying, you should remove the install/noapp/deploy/dashboard/
webapp/WEB-INF/conf/JetspeedResources.properties from install/noapp/deploy/
dashboard.war file to make your change take effect.
Adapter Threads
Several Jetty and Timer threads are created by adapters. You can disable the
adapters that are not required to run your business processes thereby controlling
the number of threads created by the adapters.
The following adapters can be disabled to reduce the number of threads created:
Note: Disabling an adapter in the following list can reduce at least one or two
threads in most cases.
v FIFO Routing
v FIFO Error Queue Listener
v HTTP Communications Adapter
v B2B HTTP Communications Adapter
v SFTP Client Adapter
v FTP Client Adapter
v Map Test Http Server
v ebXML Http Server Adapter
v MBI Http Server Adapter
v SOA Http Server Adapter
v SOA SSL Http Server Adapter
v RN Http Server Adapter
v Http Server Adapter
200 Sterling B2B Integrator: Performance Management