
Scheduling Policy
About this task
Sterling B2B Integrator uses scheduling policies to manage workload. A scheduling
policy is a set of rules that Sterling B2B Integrator uses to determine how workload
is managed. Workload management decisions include, but are not limited to:
v The number of threads to run at a given time.
v The order in which to run the business processes.
v The number of steps a business process should run before releasing the thread
for use by other business processes.
v The caching requirements when a business process is returned to the queue.
v The workload distribution, if you are working in a clustered environment.
Scheduling policy choices include:
v Basic Scheduling Policy – Recommended for consistent workloads that do not
have data processing peaks or change in data or processing types.
v Fair Share Scheduling Policy – Recommended for mixed workloads that include
both batch and online processing, and in environments that have data processing
peaks (Default). For more information about this policy, refer to the topic
Queues in an Application Server Independent Environment.
Changing a Scheduling Policy
To change a scheduling policy in Sterling B2B Integrator:
1. Open the install_dir/properties/noapp.properties_platform_ifcresources_ext file
using a text editor.
2. Locate the following code: # SCHEDULING POLICY CONFIGURATION
3. Under # SCHEDULING POLICY CONFIGURATION, locate the following property:
4. Adjacent to the SchedulingPolicyName parameter, enter one of the following
code samples, depending on your choice of either basic or fair-share scheduling
policy. Next to the SchedulingPolicyName parameter, enter:
v Basic scheduling policy:
v Fair-share scheduling policy:
5. Save the noapp.properties_platform_ifcresources_ext file. Changing either the
name or the location of the noapp.properties_platform_ifcresources_ext file may
prevent your changes from taking effect.
Queues in an Application Server Independent Environment
Sterling B2B Integrator uses fair-share scheduling, which is in-memory queuing
and caching, to enable you to set a global thread limit and allocate resources on a
queue-by-queue basis. This enables flexible management of your workload. The
global thread limit is the maximum number of business processes that can run
simultaneously in Sterling B2B Integrator. You can change the thread limit and
queue the resource allocations in the install_dir/properties/
noapp.properties_platform_ifcresources_ext file. The thread limit is set in the
MaxThreads property. For more information about the MaxThreads property, refer
to “Tuning Queues” on page 173.
172 Sterling B2B Integrator: Performance Management