
5. Change remote.protocol_config=client connection in the
install/event.properties.in file to your ActiveMQ environment.
6. Run install/bin/setupfiles.sh.
7. Restart Sterling B2B Integrator.
To use an external ActiveMQ environment in Windows:
1. Shut down Sterling B2B Integrator.
2. Change ACTIVEMQ_PORT in sandbox.cfg and point to your own ActiveMQ
3. Remove "net start "%ACTIVEMQ_SERVICE_NAME%" >NUL" from
4. Remove "net stop /y "%ACTIVEMQ_SERVICE_NAME%"" from install/bin/
5. Change remote.protocol_config=client connection in the
install/event.properties.in file to your ActiveMQ environment.
6. Run install/bin/setupfiles.cmd.
7. Restart Sterling B2B Integrator.
Sterling B2B Integrator
Changing the Cluster Setting for Bundled ActiveMQ
The configuration file for the bundled ActiveMQ is install/activemq/conf/
activemqconfig.xml. You can manually change the broker setting to fit your
business requirements. You can also extend this file with
activemqconfig_clumpname_ext.xml to configure your own beans.
Sterling B2B Integrator
Note: Read install/activemq/conf/readme_cluster.txt file before making any
Jetty Threads
Sterling B2B Integrator uses Jetty version 4.2.24. Jetty version 4.2.24 when
compared to latest versions like Jetty version 6.1.8 offers limited control on the
number of threads created. However, you can control the numbers of threads
created by Jetty listeners. Further, the large numbers of SessionScavenger and
ConduitStreamListener threads are not controlled by listener thread parameters.
They are created for web applications and HTTP Servlet adapters.
You can control the number of threads created by Jetty Listeners by modifying the
following configuration parameters in the
noapp.properties_platform_ifcresources_ext file:
# specify the minimum number of threads for Socket Listeners for Jetty
jetty_min_threads = 5
# specify the maximum number of threads for Socket Listeners for Jetty
jetty_max_threads = 100
Note: You cannot modify the jetty_min_threads value. However, you can modify
the jetty_max_threads value in the available range from 5 - 100.
Performance Management 199