The performance configuration changes populate the initial setup files that are
used during startup.
6. From the install_dir/bin directory, start Sterling B2B Integrator by running one
of the following commands:
v (UNIX or Linux)
v (Windows) startWindowsService.cmd
Sterling B2B Integrator starts, and the updated performance configuration
settings are applied.
Allocate JNDI Contexts
About this task
Several components of Sterling B2B Integrator use Java Naming and Directory
Interface (JNDI) to locate objects. You may find that you have to change the
allocation of JNDI contexts in Sterling B2B Integrator to enhance performance. In
Sterling B2B Integrator, the default value is 50.
To change the JNDI allocation:
1. From the Administration menu, select Operations > System > Troubleshooter.
2. In the System Troubleshooting page, click Soft Stop. This runs the softstop
script, allowing all active business processes to complete on a node before
stopping the system. The script is run through a series of interactive steps in
the UI. For more information about the softstop process, refer to “Completing a
Soft Stop of Sterling B2B Integrator from the System Troubleshooter” on page
3. In the install_dir/properties directory, open the file using a
text editor.
4. Locate the tune.noapp.jdni.contextpoolsize property, and change the value to
the level you require.
5. In the install_dir/bin directory, run one of the following commands:
v (For UNIX or Linux)
v (For Windows) setupfiles.cmd
The changes populate the initial setup files that are used during startup.
6. In the install_dir/bin directory, start Sterling B2B Integrator by running one of
the following commands depending on your operating system:
v (For UNIX or Linux)
v (For Windows) startWindowsService.cmd
Sterling B2B Integrator starts, and the updated performance configuration
settings are applied.
Changing Persistence Levels
Persistence level is the level of detail written to the database even as the business
process runs. Sterling B2B Integrator can persist either all the data or only a small
amount of data for each activity that is processed.
The default value for Sterling B2B Integrator is Full persistence. You may find that
you have to change the persistence level to a lower level in order to enhance
182 Sterling B2B Integrator: Performance Management