
selecting (continued)
items from list 10
library for file selection 34
matched records
primary file 48
selected files 47
members for file selection
Select Member display 39
Specify File Selections display 35
query definition 29
output type and output form 145
queries from a list
Work with Queries display 14
record for query 91
record format for file selection
Select Record Format display 40
Specify File Selections display 35
sort field for query 105
system sort sequence 117
translation table 116
selecting and sequencing field
example 88
Selecting Output Type and Output Form display 146
selecting record
connecting example 101
performance recommendations 235
selecting records to join
ignoring field case 191
selection test
definition 231
OR condition 236
example 101
sequence 87
changing for query 176
default 87
hexadecimal 113
language 114
purpose 111
selecting translation table 116
setting default 111
system sort 117
user defined 115
fields for query 87
query 87
secondary files for a join 49
sharing files 187
shift-in character
DBCS (double-byte character set) 60
shift-out character
DBCS (double-byte character set) 60
single-byte character set (SBCS) field 4
CCSID (coded character set identifier) 253
collating sequence consideration 108
date, time, timestamp 108
example of how used 106
sort (continued)
field (continued)
null values 108
performance recommendations 236
priority number 105
selecting for query 105, 236
specifying ascending or descending
sequence 105
differences between Query/36 and Query for
iSeries 196
sorting DBCS character data 111
special library names 10
Specify Cover Page display 152
Specify Edit Code display 129
Specify Edit Word display 131
Specify File Selections display 33
Specify How to Join Files display 44
Specify Page Headings and Footings display 153
Specify Processing Options display 163
Specify Report Column Formatting display 120
Specify Type of Join display 43
spooled output override 150
Start Query (STRQRY) command 7, 11
starting Query 7
status message
Query for iSeries 241
STRQRY (Start Query) command 7, 11
differences between Query/36 and Query for
iSeries 195
subset prompt
Work with Queries display 14
SUBSTR (substring) function
argument rules 61
null values 61
syntax diagram 61
SUBSTR (substring) operator
argument rules 62
DBCS fields
result field 187
null values 62
syntax diagrams 62
summary function
average 136
CCSID (coded character set identifier) 253
column summary values
location on report 137
count 136
maximum 136
minimum 136
performance recommendations 237
report 237
summarizing columns 137
total 135
types 135
summary-only output
database file 145, 160
differences 196
UCS2 level 1 character set 4
Index 277