
as in most Query for iSeries language sequences, each pair of uppercase and lowercase letters (such as
A and a) sort together because they share a collating weight that is distinct from the weights of other
The language collating sequence is not saved in the query definition. If you save your query and it is used
on a system with a different language, the collating sequence for the other language is used. When you
need to save the language used for collating, use option 3 (Define the sequence) on the Select Collating
Sequence display and press F15.
Defining your own collating sequence in Query for iSeries
You may want to define your own collating sequence so that character data is sorted according to your
particular needs.
For example, you have a two-digit customer account number field that has gone beyond its maximum of
99, and entries in this field after 99 are alphabeticA1, A2, and so on. You want the alphabetic entries
sorted to follow the numeral entries. You can define your own collating sequence so that the alphabetic
data follows the numeric data for this particular query.
To define your own collating sequence, typea3intheCollating sequence option prompt on the Select
Collating Sequence display and press the Enter key.
Select Collating Sequence
The selected collating sequence will be used for character fields when
sorting, selecting records, joining files, finding minimum and maximum
values, and determining when a control break has occurred.
Type choices, press Enter.
Collating sequence
option........ 3 1=Hexadecimal
2=Query for iSeries English
3=Define the sequence
4=Translation table
5=System sort sequence
The Define Collating Sequence display is the next display you see.
Define Collating Sequence
CCSID..............: 37
Position to ........... _ Char
Type sequence number (0-9999) for each character, press Enter.
(Use the same sequence number to have characters collate in a group.)
Sequence Char Hex Sequence Char Hex Sequence Char Hex
10 40 90 c 83 140 h 88
20 41 90 C C3 140 H C8
30 E1 100 d 84 150 i 89
40 - 60 100 D C4 150 I C9
50 7D 110 e 85 160 J D1
60 - CA 110 E C5 160 j 91
70 a 81 120 f 86 170 K D2
70 A C1 120 F C6 170 k 92
80 b 82 130 g 87 180 L D3
80 B C2 130 G C7 180 l 93
F3=Exit F11=Chars only F12=Cancel F14=Hexadecimal
F15=Language sequence F16=Use default F20=Renumber F24=More keys
Collating sequence initialized from national language sequence
Chapter 9. Selecting a collating sequence in Query for iSeries