
increasing the decimal precision 190
information for programmers, advanced 187
interactive data definition utility (IDDU)
data dictionary 4
definition 199
creating IDDU definition 199
introduction 4
main (system) menu 199
interactive processing
limiting 243
restricting 243
internal numeric calculations
length and decimal positions 189
International Standards Organization (ISO)
date and time 67
introduction to Query
concepts 3
IS (is) comparison test 95, 96
ISNOT (is not) comparison test 95, 96
ISO (International Standards Organization)
date and time 67
Japanese Industrial Standard (JIS)
date and time 67
JIS (Japanese Industrial Standard)
date and time 67
JJ (double-byte J) 8
join operation
performance recommendations 239
join selection tests
definition 231
join test
CCSID (coded character set identifier) 252
L, T, or Z 45
data restrictions 45
displaying 53
specifying 43
valid comparisons 45
joining files 42
advanced information for 188
description 43
differences between Query/36 and Query for
iSeries 195
selecting matched records for all selected
files 47
selecting matched records using a primary
file 48
selecting unmatched primary file records 48
sequencing secondary files for a primary join 49
how to join 43
matched records join 43
matched records with primary file join 43
rules 44
secondary file sequence rule 49
types of join 43
unmatched records with primary file join 43
function 8
Print 9
keyed sequence access path
definition 231
L, T, or Z
join test 45
labeled duration
definition 73
labeled duration
adding 235
subtracting 235
language code-page CCSIDs 256
language collating sequence query 114
displaying report 8
LE (less than or equal) comparison test 95, 96, 165
leading zero
replacing 127
fields in a report 120
result field 85, 188
length and decimal positions
used for internal numeric calculations 189
level, break 139
definition 5
selecting for file selection 34
selecting from list 10
selecting items from list
Work with Queries display 16
special names 10
library default
S/36 environment 196
LIKE (like) comparison test 165
similar patterns 95, 98
LIKE pattern
DBCS-graphic 100
DBCS-only 100
DBCS-open 100
non-DBCS character 99
linked file
differences between Query/36 and Query for
iSeries 195
(LIST) comparison test 95
displaying 9
generic name
using to obtain a subset list 14
library (*LIBL) 10
names of queries
Work with Queries display 14
NOT LIST comparison test 95
Work with Queries display 15
272 Query for iSeries Use V5R2