
When you select option 6 (Print definition) on the Work with Queries display and press the Enter key, the
query definition is printed immediately.
Information printed for a Query for iSeries query definition
The printout includes the following information:
v A header at the top of each page. This header lists information about the system you are using and
when the definition was printed.
v The query name and CCSID.
v The library name.
v Any text about the query.
v Constants attributes (decimal point separator, date format and separator, time format and separator).
v The processing options.
v Collating sequence information.
v Assorted warnings.
v The file identifier(s). For each file identifier, the printout includes the following:
The file name
The name of the library
The name of file member
The record format selected for the file
v The join tests, if more than one file is used, and the type of join used.
v Any result fields, their expressions, length and decimal positions, and column headings.
v Record selection tests.
v Selected fields, their sequence, sort priority and sort type, and any text.
v Column formatting and summarizing.
v Any report breaks.
v The selected output type:
If the report is to be printed, printer information is shown.
If the output is to be put in a database file, database file information and the field layout are shown.
v The form of output selected, detailed or summary-only, and wrapping specifications.
If you print the definition using option 6 (Print definition) on the Work with Queries display, the printout
includes information about any output type selected for the query. For example, if database file output was
selected when the query was created and the query was later changed so that the output is to be printed,
the printout of the query definition would include both database file and printer information. If you print the
definition using any method except option 6, only current information is printed.
If you print the query definition while using the RUNQRY command (by specifying the PRTDFN(YES)
parameter), the information in the printed definition reflects any temporary changes that you specify using
the RUNQRY parameters or choices that Query for iSeries resolves at run time. For example, you might
specify an input file name, make changes to the record selection tests, specify a different type of output, or
define your query to use the running jobs sort sequence. There might be missing information, when
compared to an option 6 listing, because Query for iSeries did not need to use all the selected fields to run
the query.
In addition to information about the query definition, if the query produces output to a database file, a
description of the record format layout is also printed.
Chapter 16. Working with Query for iSeries query definitions 181