
Specifying an edit code in Query for iSeries reports
The Specify Edit Code display allows you to specify which edit code or user-defined edit description you
want used to edit each value in a numeric field. The edit code or edit description that you choose
determines how the values for the specified field are to appear in your query report (if the report is run
when the edit option for the field is 3). For certain edit codes you can also specify a modifier character to
be used as part of the editing.
The codes available are similar to the codes available to RPG/400* programmers.
To remove all the query-defined editing values for this numeric field (for this edit option and all the others),
press F16 (Remove edit).
Specify Edit Code
Type choices, press Enter.
Edit code...... _ 1-4, A-D, J-Q, W-Z, user-defined 5-9
Optional edit code
modifier ..... _ 1=Asterisk fill
2=Floating currency symbol
F3=Exit F5=Report F10=Process/previous F12=Cancel
F13=Layout F16=Remove edit F18=Files
Edit code in Query for iSeries reports
Type the character that identifies the edit code or edit description that you want used to edit the values in
this field. You can specify any one of the following numbers or letters for edit codes: 1 through 4, A
through D, J through Q, or W through Z. Or you can specify any one of the user-defined edit descriptions:
5 through 9.
Most of the edit codes are shown in the following table. The other edit codes (W, X, Y, and Z) and the
user-defined edit descriptions (5 through 9) are listed after the chart.
-- Value in QDECFMT System Value: --
Edit Print Negative Blank I J
Code Commas Symbol Value Value Value
1 Yes None .00 or 0 ,00 or 0 0,00 or 0
2 Yes None Blanks Blanks Blanks
3 No None .00 or 0 ,00 or 0 0,00 or 0
4 No None Blanks Blanks Blanks
A Yes CR .00 or 0 ,00 or 0 0,00 or 0
B Yes CR Blanks Blanks Blanks
C No CR .00 or 0 ,00 or 0 0,00 or 0
D No CR Blanks Blanks Blanks
J Yes - .00 or 0 ,00 or 0 0,00 or 0
K Yes - Blanks Blanks Blanks
L No - .00 or 0 ,00 or 0 0,00 or 0
M No - Blanks Blanks Blanks
N Yes - .00 or 0 ,00 or 0 0,00 or 0
O Yes - Blanks Blanks Blanks
P No - .00 or 0 ,00 or 0 0,00 or 0
Q No - Blanks Blanks Blanks
Chapter 10. Specifying report column formatting in Query for iSeries 129