
Optional edit code modifier in Query for iSeries reports
Type the character that you want used as the optional modifier for the specified edit code. If you specified
one of the edit codes W through Z or one of the edit descriptions 5 through 9 in the Edit code prompt, you
cannot specify an optional modifier in this prompt.
1=Asterisk fill
Asterisks (*) are to be used as the fill character to replace leading zeros for this field; for example,
2=Floating currency symbol
The currency symbol specified in the QCURSYM system value is to be used as the edit code modifier
for this field. An example is the dollar sign ($), as in $27.03.
Specifying edit words
Specifying or creating an edit word is another way to define numeric editing. It should be considered when
the first three methods do not produce the results you want.
The Specify Edit Word display allows you to specify or change the edit word(s) that you want used to edit
a numeric field. An edit word determines how all the values for the specified field are to appear in your
query report if the report is run when the edit option for this field is 4.
You can use one edit word to edit all the detailed values for the field and, if the total summary function
was specified for the field, you can use another edit word to edit the summary total values for the field.
A blank string enclosed in apostrophes appears as the default for the detailed values edit word for a field
that does not have an edit word specified in its definition.
To remove only the edit word used for this fields summary totals, blank out the Edit word for summary
total prompt. If you want to remove both edit words defined for this field, press F16 (Remove edit). Note
that F16 removes all editing values defined in all four edit options, not just this option.
For the Edit word prompt, either you must specify an edit word or you must press F12 to return to the
Define Numeric Field Editing display. You cannot leave the Edit Word prompt blank.
If an error occurs while a field is being edited by Query, the field is edited with the J edit code, and the
field value is displayed in its edited form along with an error message.
Edit word in Query for iSeries reports
Type the character string that you want used as the edit word for this field. The character string must be
enclosed in quotation marks and the number of blanks the edit word contains must equal the number of
digits in the field, as determined by the length field shown on the display. Insert a zero or asterisk as the
first character of the edit word to prevent the truncation of leading zeros.
For example, if your edit word is
the value of 01251960 becomes 01/25/1960. Without a leading zero or asterisk, 01251960 would appear
as 1/25/1960. To specify a blank space in the report result, use an ampersand (&).
Chapter 10. Specifying report column formatting in Query for iSeries 131