
Create and Select Field Definitions
Definition......: NAMEADDRR Dictionary......: SYSDIC
Position to...... .__________ Field, sequence (0-99999)
Type sequence numbers (0-99999), (and Field), press Enter.
Type field, press F6 to create.
Seq Field End Seq Field End Seq Field End
Now press F6. You will complete the description of the LASTNAME field definition (as well as naming
and describing the remainder of the field definitions) from the next display.
11. Complete the LASTNAME field description with its type, size, and any other descriptors, according to the
table shown below. Then name and describe the remainder of the field definitions.
Field Name Field Type Size Text
LASTNAME Character 15 Last name
FIRSTNAME Character 10 First name
ADDRESS1 Character 20 Address line 1
ADDRESS2 Character 20 Address line 2
CITY Character 15 City
STATE Character 2 State
ZIP Character 9 Zip code
AMOUNT Numeric, 2 decimal positions 6 Amount
Create Field Definitions
Type information, press Enter to create.
Field type (size)..: 1=Character (1-32766)
2=Numeric (1-31, decimal positions 0-31)
3=DBCS (4-32766, mixed; 1-16383, graphic)
4=Date/Time (no size)
More options.....: Y=Yes
-------Field--------- Dec More
Name Type Size Pos Opt Text
LASTNAME 1 15 __ _ Last name
FIRSTNAME 1 10 __ _ First name
ADDRESS1 1 20 __ _ Address line 1
ADDRESS2 1 20 __ _ Address line 2
CITY 1 15 __ _ City
STATE 1 2 __ _ State
ZIP 1 9 __ _ Zip code
AMOUNT 2 6 2 _ Amount
12. When you have completed specifying the field characteristics, press the Enter key. The Create Field
Definitions display is shown again, and your fields have been created.
Appendix B. Practice exercise for Query for iSeries query 201