
Work with Queries
Type choices, press Enter.
Option ....... _ 1=Create, 2=Change, 3=Copy, 4=Delete
5=Display, 6=Print definition
8=Run in batch 9=Run
Query ....... KJOQRY Name, F4 for list
Library...... YOURLIB Name, *LIBL, F4 for list
F3=Exit F4=Prompt F5=Refresh F12=Cancel
Query option processing completed successfully.
Query for iSeries query exercise: Changing a query
If you want a report of only those customers who live in the state of Louisiana, you need to change the
query to list customers from that state only.
1. Type a 2 (Change) for the Option prompt on the Work with Queries display.
2. Type xxxQRY (where xxx are your initials) for the Query prompt if xxxQRY is not shown as the query
3. Type the library name you used in the previous exercise for the Library prompt, if that is not the
library name already shown.
Work with Queries
Type choices, press Enter.
Option ....... 2 1=Create, 2=Change, 3=Copy, 4=Delete
5=Display, 6=Print definition
8=Run in batch 9=Run
Query ....... KJOQRY Name, F4 for list
Library...... YOURLIB Name, *LIBL, F4 for list
F3=Exit F4=Prompt F5=Refresh F12=Cancel
Query option processing completed successfully.
4. Press the Enter key. The Define the Query display is shown.
5. Type a 1 for the Select records prompt.
Appendix B. Practice exercise for Query for iSeries query 211