
For all options, if the file does not exist in the specified library, Query tries to create that file.
Authority in Query for iSeries reports: Type the value for the kind of object authority that you want to
give to other users for your database file. (This authority value is used only if your query creates a new
file.) The values that you can specify are:
Library create authority assigns the authority from the create authority (CRTAUT) value in the library
the object is being created into. The authority could be *ALL, *CHANGE, *EXCLUDE, *USE, or an
authorization list name. Your ability to use the file depends on the authority assigned.
Change authority allows other users to perform all operations on the object except those limited to
the owner or controlled by object existence authority and object management authority. A user can
change or use the file in any way except to: replace or add new members, delete the file, or transfer it
to a new owner.
All authority allows other users to perform all operations on the object except those limited to the
owner or controlled by authorization list management rights. A user can do anything with the file
(including deleting it), except for transferring it to a new owner.
Exclude authority prevents other users from doing anything with the file. Unless given specific types
of authority, no user except its owner can use the file.
Use authority allows other users to read records in the file.
authorization list name
If you specify the name of an authorization list, its authority is used to control the ability that users
have to use the file. For more information, see the iSeries Security Reference book.
The following table shows, for each predefined type of authority, what can be done with the file:
Type of Create Replace Add New Add to Replace
Authority ’ New File the File Member Member Member
--------- ’ -------- -------- ------- ------ -------
*ALL Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
*CHANGE Yes No No Yes No
*USE Yes No No No No
*EXCLUDE Yes No No No No
Note: If the authority you specify is *LIBCRTAUT, the value assigned when the object was created is
Text in Query for iSeries reports: You can type a comment (text) of up to and including 50 characters
in this prompt to describe a file that Query for iSeries creates or replaces when this query is run. The
comment reminds you what the file is for when it is displayed later in a list of files. The comment is
displayed, for example, on the Select File display whenever the Text column is shown.
Print definition in Query for iSeries reports: Type a Y or N to indicate if you want a copy of your query
definition to be printed whenever the query output is stored in the database file. N (No) is the default.
A copy of your query definition (and the output database file definition) is to be printed whenever the
query output is stored in the file.
A copy of the query definition is not to be printed when the query is run.
Chapter 13. Selecting output type and output form in Query for iSeries reports 159