
Select Sort Fields
Type sort priority (0-999) and A (Ascending) or D (Descending) for the
names of up to 32 fields, press Enter.
Prty A/D Field Text Len Dec
10 D CRLIMIT Credit limit amount 7 2
20 A STATE State abbreviation 2
30 A LASTNAME Customer last name 20
40 A INIT Customer first and middle initial 2
___ _ ACCTNUMBER Account number 6
___ _ STREETADDR Street address 20
___ _ CITY City 15
___ _ ZIPCODE Zip code 5
F3=Exit F5=Report F11=Display names only F12=Cancel
F13=Layout F18=Files F20=Renumber
Notice that because you left the A/D column blank for the STATE, LASTNAME, and INIT fields, Query replaces
the blank with an A to show that ascending order is used.
The sort in this example provides a report that looks something like this:
Account Last Street Zip Credit
Number Init Name Address City State Code Limit
------- ---- -------------- -------------- ---------- ----- ----- -------
938485 CA Johnson 101 2nd St. Montvale GA 30545 9999.00
583990 GF Abraham 20 Vineview Elk River MN 55330 9999.00
693829 NO Thomas 8256 1st Ave. Twostone WY 82609 9999.00
846283 JS Alison 20749 73rd St. Ottawa MN 56342 5000.00
938472 EJ Henning 1 Oil Lane Oiltown TX 75217 5000.00
029384 MA Brown 904 38th St. New York NY 12201 1000.00
397267 OS Tyron 1039 20th Ave. Falls NY 14841 1000.00
475938 MA Doe P.O. Box 90834 Reading CA 95685 700.00
930484 BJ Hubbard 10 Colusa Junction CA 91722 700.00
192837 CE Lee 98 Elm St. Falls NY 14841 700.00
392859 LL Vine 18940 Main St. Tombstone VT 05046 700.00
389572 RS Stevens 38 Yale Blvd. Deer Falls CO 80226 400.00
839283 AC Jones 1984 5th Ave. New York NY 13041 400.00
493264 JS Jones P.O. Box 8910 New York NY 13088 400.00
The highest credit limits (9999.00) are listed first, followed by the next highest. Within each group of credit
limits, the records are listed alphabetically by state. Within each group of states, the customers are listed
alphabetically by last name (such as Brown and Tyron in New York, and Doe and Hubbard in California). If
two or more customers with the same last name live in the same state and have the same credit rating,
the order of the records is determined alphabetically by first and middle initials (such as AC Jones and JS
Jones in New York).
Additional sort considerations in Query for iSeries
Numeric fields are sorted by arithmetic value.
108 Query for iSeries Use V5R2