
Define the Query
Query......: QRY1 Option .....: Change
Library.....: QGPL CCSID .....: 37
Type options, press Enter. Press F21 to select all.
Opt Query Definition Option
> Specify file selections
_ Define result fields
_ > Select and sequence fields
_ Select records
_ Select sort fields
_ Select collating sequence
_ > Specify report column formatting
_ Select report summary functions
_ Define report breaks
_ Select output type and output form
_ Specify processing options
F3=Exit F5=Report F12=Cancel
F13=Layout F18=Files F21=Select all
The options currently defined for your query are shown witha>totheleft of the option. You can change
these and define additional options. You can choose as many options as you want from this display. Each
of these options and their associated displays are described in previous chapters.
Each option has its own corresponding display(s), on which you can make specific changes. The displays
for the options you select are shown to you in the order they appear on the Define the Query display.
If you decide you do not want an option that has already been defined, do the following:
1. Select that option on the Define the Query display.
2. Blank out any prompts that are completed for that option display.
If you decide not to change anything on an option display once you see it, just press the Enter key without
changing anything and continue. If you have changed the display and decide you would rather have it the
way it was, press F12 (Cancel).
Pressing F12 does not undo the result of pressing F23 (Save as default). Also, changes Query must
keep as a result of your pressing the Enter key (or F10 or F3) to get to a different display cannot be
canceled later by pressing F12. All other changes you make can be canceled by pressing F12. The
following exceptions to this rule let you cancel all changes for your most recent work on an entire definition
option by pressing F12 after returning from a secondary prompt display to the primary prompt display on
which the secondary display depends:
v Join tests are canceled with file selections.
v Dependent value qualifiers are canceled with record selection tests.
v Editing changes are canceled with column formatting changes.
v Break level formatting changes are canceled with break field selections (level definitions).
If you decide you do not want to keep the changes you have made on previous displays, press F3 to end
the revision and type an N (No) for the Save definition prompt on the Exit This Query display.
When you are working at a display, you can press the Help key to see the on-line help information that
briefly describes how to specify the choices for that option. You can also press F5 or F13 to see how the
changes affect the report the query produces.
174 Query for iSeries Use V5R2